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Introducing Finvision

In an industry driven by data, KPIs, tools and reports, numbers rule the roost. But here, at Finvision, we always put people first. Insight and vision? Yes, it’s a people thing. Finance professionals who collaborate, think and build – they offer what no tool can. They are the ones who make the difference for our customers.

Welcome at Finvision 

Since our start in 2012, we have worked diligently to merge our offices, share expertise and support one another. The foundation of what we have built together today lies in truly getting to know, understand and trust each other, both among partners and employees. 

Our growth and future 

In recent years, we have grown annually by more than15% in both staff and revenue. The structures we have developed over the past years now allow us to focus even more on deepening and broadening our services. 

Why Finvision? 

Our employees feel comfortable at Finvision because of the warm atmosphere within our offices. We are there for each other, across offices and service lines. There are opportunities for growth, and we continue to invest in training and the development of new products. Our leadership style is supportive, knowledge is shared and there is an open feedback culture. Our job content is challenging and you are in control of your own career. We have a lot of trust in each other. 

Our partners are enthusiastic and still have big plans. We have a passion for what we do. Entrepreneurship offers us freedom, autonomy and adventure. Seeing people grow and take on responsibility provides great satisfaction. The connection with employees, clients and other partners is enriching. We take pride in happy employees and satisfied customers. Together we are building something valuable and want to pass it on to the next generation. 

A message from our CEO 

As a CEO, I am grateful for the conversations with our employees, the collaboration and friendships within the partner group and satisfied customers. I am proud of our employees even when I see former employees thriving in new environments. The increasing collaboration between our offices, the positive results of our employee surveys and the growing Strava community among our employees make me happy. I also greatly appreciate the friendships that develop between Finvision employees, sometimes for life. 

See you soon! 

Dieter Engelen


Our values

  • Connected

    We look for talent and personality, not accolades. This ensures we are equal and that no one is left behind. This connection is something we look to strengthen daily through open communication and with surprising group activities. 

  • Client-focused

    Listening, identifying needs and addressing them to the max. This is the only way we know how to deliver on our promise. 

  • Challenging ourselves

    We like to keep challenging ourselves, using our in-depth knowledge to help develop both ourselves as well as our colleagues. This means we are building our own career path, each at our own pace. 

  • Warm

    Here, we put people first, providing the right level of appreciation and support. We are there for each other, even when the going gets tough. 

  • Qualitatively

    We stand by what we do and how we deliver it to our clients. At the same time, we continue to question ourselves, as we believe that having a self-critical attitude keeps the whole team on its toes! 

  • Flexible

    While we do move quickly, we always make sure this is done at the right speed for the client. This ensures we are also open to innovation, embracing dynamism and evolution in equal measure. This is how we keep moving forward and growing as an organisation. 


financial experts are ready to take your business to the next level.


Committed partners manage their service lines in all businesses.


our experts operate from locations across Flanders and Brussels.

Experience the culture at Finvision

The essence of our culture? Challenges, critical thinking and team spirit. These are all part of our day-to-day activities. At the same time, we also strive for more, even outside of working hours. Whether it’s a happy hour or a sporty activity, we make time to set aside our worries and make way for fun. We are a warm and flexible team. 


Jurgen Jackers

Partner Accountancy & Tax, External audit

Sam Verfaillie

Partner Controlling & performance management, IFRS & consolidation, BI & analytics

Karel Nijs

Partner External Audit

Alexander Nulens

Partner Data & process

Dieter Engelen

CEO & Partner

Christophe De Paepe

Partner Transaction Advisory Services

Kathleen Delporte

Partner Outsourcing

Alix Stockman

Partner Tax

Geert Van Hemelryck

Partner Accountancy & External Audit

Geert Duchateau

Partner Accountancy & External audit

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